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Admin Section


Name Description
switchvox.extensions.getInfo Retrieve simple information about extensions.
switchvox.extensions.getVoicemailInfo Gets the voicemail/fax disk usage information for every phone extension. Search extensions and retrieve simple extension information.
switchvox.extensions.checkConflicts Check for any unwated conflicts with a new extension number.

Extensions Agent Log In/Out

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.agentLogIn.add Add an Agent Log In extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogIn.getInfo Get details about an Agent Log In extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogIn.remove Remove an Agent Log In extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogIn.update Update an Agent Log In extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogOut.add Add an Agent Log Out extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogOut.getInfo Get details about an Agent Log Out extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogOut.remove Remove an Agent Log Out extension
switchvox.extensions.agentLogOut.update Update an Agent Log Out extension

Extensions Call Parking

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.callParking.add Create a call parking extension.
switchvox.extensions.callParking.getInfo Retrieve information about a call parking extension.
switchvox.extensions.callParking.remove Remove a call parking extension.
switchvox.extensions.callParking.update Update a call parking extension.

Extensions Call Queues

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.callQueues.add Create a Call Queue extension
switchvox.extensions.callQueues.getInfo Get details about a Call Queue extension
switchvox.extensions.callQueues.remove Delete a Call Queue extension
switchvox.extensions.callQueues.update Update a Call Queue extension
switchvox.extensions.callQueues.members.add Add members to an existing Call Queue
switchvox.extensions.callQueues.members.remove Remove members from an existing Call Queue

Extensions Conference Room

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.meetMeConference.add Create a meet me conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.meetMeConference.getInfo Retrieve information about a meet me conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.meetMeConference.remove Remove an meet me conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.meetMeConference.update Update a meet me conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.simpleConferenceRoom.add Create a simple conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.simpleConferenceRoom.getInfo Retrieve information about a simple conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.simpleConferenceRoom.remove Remove an simple conference room extension.
switchvox.extensions.simpleConferenceRoom.update Update a simple conference room extension.

Extensions Dial Tone

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.dialTone.add Create a dial tone extension.
switchvox.extensions.dialTone.getInfo Retrieve information about a dial tone extension.
switchvox.extensions.dialTone.remove Remove a dial tone extension.

Extensions Directory

Name Description Create a directory extension. Retrieve information about a directory extension. Remove a directory extension. Update a directory extension.

Extensions Feature Codes

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.callMonitoring.add Create a call monitoring feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.callMonitoring.update Update a call monitoring feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.callMonitoring.getInfo Retrieve information about a call monitoring feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.callMonitoring.remove Delete a call monitoring feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.directedPickup.add Create a directed pickup feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.directedPickup.update Update a directed pickup feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.directedPickup.getInfo Retrieve information about a directed pickup feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.directedPickup.remove Delete a directed pickup feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.fax.add Create a fax feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.fax.getInfo Retrieve information about a fax feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.fax.remove Delete a fax feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.fax.update Update a fax feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.goToVoicemail.add Add a go to voicemail feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.goToVoicemail.getInfo Gte details about a go to voicemail feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.goToVoicemail.remove Remove a go to voicemail feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.personalIntercom.add Create a personal intercom feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.personalIntercom.getInfo Retrieve information about a personal intercom feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.personalIntercom.remove Delete a personal intercom feature code
switchvox.extensions.featureCodes.personalIntercom.update Update a personal intercom feature code

Extensions Group Pickup

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.groupPickup.add Create a group pickup extension.
switchvox.extensions.groupPickup.getInfo Retrieve information about a group pickup extension.
switchvox.extensions.groupPickup.remove Remove a group pickup extension.
switchvox.extensions.groupPickup.update Update a group pickup extension.

Extensions Intercom

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.intercom.add Create an intercom extension.
switchvox.extensions.intercom.getInfo Retrieve information about an intercom extension.
switchvox.extensions.intercom.remove Remove an intercom extension.
switchvox.extensions.intercom.update Update an intercom extension.

Extensions IVR

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.ivr.add Create an IVR extension.
switchvox.extensions.ivr.getInfo Retrieve information about an IVR extension.
switchvox.extensions.ivr.menus.getList Get a list of IVR extensions.
switchvox.extensions.ivr.remove Remove an IVR extension.
switchvox.extensions.ivr.update Update an IVR extension.

Extension Phones

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.phones.attachImage Attach a profile image to an extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.remove Delete a phone extension from the system.
switchvox.extensions.phones.analog.add Create an analog extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.analog.update Update an analog extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.analog.getInfo Get information about an analog extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.bulk.upload Create extensions in bulk from a CSV file.
switchvox.extensions.phones.sip.add Create a SIP extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.sip.update Update a SIP extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.sip.bulkUpdate Update several sip extensions at once.
switchvox.extensions.phones.sip.getInfo Get info about a SIP extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.virtual.add Create a virtual extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.virtual.update Update a virtual extension.
switchvox.extensions.phones.virtual.getInfo Get information about a virtual extension.

Extension Settings

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.settings.getInfo Get the extensions settings
switchvox.extensions.settings.update Change the extensions settings
switchvox.extensions.customSettings.getList Get a list of custom extension settings.
switchvox.extensions.customSettings.getInfo Specific info about an individual custom extension setting.
switchvox.extensions.customSettings.add Create a new custom extension setting.
switchvox.extensions.customSettings.update Update the settings of an existing custom extension setting.
switchvox.extensions.customSettings.remove Remove a custom extension setting and all references to it.

Extension Templates

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.phones.template.getInfo Get detailed information about a phone template.
switchvox.extensions.phones.template.getList Get a list of phone templates
switchvox.extensions.phones.template.add Create an extension template
switchvox.extensions.phones.template.update Update an extension template
switchvox.extensions.phones.template.remove Remove an extension template

Extensions Voice Mail Access

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.voicemailAccess.add Create a voicemail extension
switchvox.extensions.voicemailAccess.getInfo Retrieve information about a voicemail extension
switchvox.extensions.voicemailAccess.remove Remove a voicemail extension
switchvox.extensions.voicemailAccess.update Update a voicemail extension

Extensions Outgoing Call Rules

Name Description
switchvox.extensions.phones.outgoingCallRules.add Attach a list of outgoing call rules to a list of phone accounts.
switchvox.extensions.phones.outgoingCallRules.remove Remove a list of outgoing call rules from a list of phone accounts.

Extension Groups

Name Description
switchvox.extensionGroups.getList Returns a list of all extension groups on the system.
switchvox.extensionGroups.getInfo Get extension group information and a list of extensions it contains.
switchvox.extensionGroups.add Add a new extension group.
switchvox.extensionGroups.update Update an extension group.
switchvox.extensionGroups.remove Remove an extension group.
switchvox.extensionGroups.members.add Add members to an extension group.
switchvox.extensionGroups.members.update Update the position of members within a group.
switchvox.extensionGroups.members.remove Remove members from an extension group.


Name Description
switchvox.file.add Generic method for uploading a file to be used by a system process

Call Logs & Reports

Name Description Generate a call log based on search parameters. Generate a call report based on the report parameters. Generate a call report based on phone specific search parameters. Generate a call report based on call queue specific search parameters. Generate a call report based on ivr specific search parameters. Generate a call report based on provider specific search parameters. Generate a call report based on incoming DID specific search parameters.

Call Queue Logs & Reports

Name Description Generate a call queue log based on search parameters. Generate a call queue member log based on the report parameters.
switchvox.callQueueMissedCalls.getList Get a list of missed calls based on call uniqueid. Generate a call queue report based on specific search parameters. Generate a call queue member report based on specific search parameters.
switchvox.callQueues.getCurrentStatus Get a list of all members of a queue and their current status. Also get a listing of all the current callers waiting in the queue and their current status.

Current Calls

Name Description
switchvox.currentCalls.getList Returns a list of all in-progress calls on the system.
switchvox.currentCalls.hangUp Hangs up the specified call.

Outgoing Call Rules

Name Description
switchvox.outgoingCallRules.getList Returns a list of outgoing call rules available in the system.‭
switchvox.outgoingCallRules.getInfo Returns detailed information about a specific call rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallRules.add Adds new outgoing call rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallRules.update Updates existing outgoing call rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallRules.remove Removes an existing call rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallRules.checkConflicts Check for any conflicts with the PBX that a new call rule may create.

Outgoing Call Diagnostics

Name Description
switchvox.outgoingCallDiagnostics.update Updates the outgoing call diagnostic field.
switchvox.outgoingCallDiagnostics.getInfo Returns outgoing call diagnostic value.

Outgoing Caller ID Rules

Name Description
switchvox.outgoingCallerIdRules.add Add new caller id rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallerIdRules.update Updates caller id rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallerIdRules.remove Deletes a caller id rule.
switchvox.outgoingCallerIdRules.getList Returns a list of all existing caller id rules.
switchvox.outgoingCallerIdRules.getInfo Returns information about a particular caller id rule. Returns information about caller id rules based on criteria entered.

Incoming Did Routes

Name Description
switchvox.incomingDidRoutes.add Add new incoming DID route.
switchvox.incomingDidRoutes.update Updates an existing incoming DID route.
switchvox.incomingDidRoutes.remove Deletes an existing DID route.
switchvox.incomingDidRoutes.getList Returns a list of all existing incoming DID routes.
switchvox.incomingDidRoutes.getInfo Returns information about a particular incoming DID route. Returns information about incoming DID routes based on criteria entered.

Incoming Caller ID Rules

Name Description
switchvox.incomingCallerIdRules.add Add new incoming caller id rule.
switchvox.incomingCallerIdRules.update Updates incoming caller id rule.
switchvox.incomingCallerIdRules.remove Deletes a incoming caller id rule.
switchvox.incomingCallerIdRules.getList Returns a list of all existing incoming caller id rules.
switchvox.incomingCallerIdRules.getInfo Returns information about a particular incoming caller id rule. Returns information about incoming caller id rules based on criteria entered.

System Status

Name Description
switchvox.status.voipProviders.getList Returns a list of voip providers and their registration status.
switchvox.status.phones.getList Returns a list of all phones and their registration status.
switchvox.status.telephonyCards.getList Returns a list of devices and the status of each device channel.
switchvox.systemClock.getInfo Returns the current time and timezone of the PBX.
switchvox.progress.check Check the progress of an API call
switchvox.providers.getList Returns a list of all available providers.
switchvox.status.peers.getList Returns the status of all Switchvox peers in the system. Not Live 6.0
switchvox.diskUsage.getInfo Gets disk usage information. Not Live 5.0

SNMP Settings

Name Description
switchvox.snmpSettings.getInfo Get the SNMP settings
switchvox.snmpSettings.update Change the SNMP settings

PBX Updates

Name Description Returns a info about the PBX. Gets the max concurrent calls allowed on the PBX. Gets the max phone configuration tokens allowed and used. Gets the current version of Switchvox. Gets the max phones extensions allowed and used.
switchvox.updates.getList Returns a list of updates available to the system.
switchvox.updates.getRenewalDate Gets the subscription expiration date. Download an available update
switchvox.updates.apply Apply a downloaded update

Hardware Status Information

Name Description
switchvox.status.hardware.getList Returns memory, disk and load statuses.
switchvox.status.hardware.getMemoryInfo Returns memory allocation information.
switchvox.status.hardware.getDiskInfo Returns current disk usage information.
switchvox.status.hardware.getLoadInfo Returns current load information.

Digium Phones

Name Description
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.getList Get a list of all Digium phones.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.getInfo Get information on a specific digium phone.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.add Add a Digium phone to the system.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.update Update details of a Digium phone.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.remove Remove a Digium phone from the system.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.ignore.add Ignore unassigned phones or extensions.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.ignore.remove Unignore unassigned phones or extensions.
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.options.getInfo Get the phone assignment options
switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.options.update Change the phone assignment options
Switchvox.digiumPhones.assignments.checkConflicts Check if an account_id is already assigned to a phone
switchvox.digiumPhones.apps.getList Get a list of all Digium phones apps.
switchvox.digiumPhones.apps.getInfo Get information on a specific digium phone app.
switchvox.digiumPhones.apps.add Add a Digium phone app to the system.
switchvox.digiumPhones.apps.update Update details of a Digium phone app.
switchvox.digiumPhones.apps.remove Remove a Digium phone app from the system.

Phone Configuration

Name Description
switchvox.phoneSetup.phones.getList Gets a list of all phones
switchvox.phoneSetup.phones.update Update a phone
switchvox.phoneSetup.phones.bulk.update Update the state of a list of phones
switchvox.phoneSetup.phones.reboot Reboot one or more phones
switchvox.phoneSetup.phones.configured.additionalLines.getList Gets a list of additional lines for a configured phone.
switchvox.phoneSetup.phones.configured.additionalLines.update Update an additional line for a configured phone.
switchvox.phoneSetup.options.getInfo Gets all the advanced phone setup options.
switchvox.phoneSetup.options.update Updates the advanced phone setup options.

Advanced Debugging

Name Description
switchvox.debug.acli.startSession Start collecting debug information from the Asterisk command line interface (acli).
switchvox.debug.acli.stopSession Stop collecting debug information from the Asterisk command line interface (acli).
switchvox.debug.acli.sessions.getList Get a list of Asterisk command line interface (acli) debug sessions.
switchvox.debug.acli.sessions.getInfo Get information about a currently running or finished acli debug session.
switchvox.debug.acli.sessions.getLog Get a download URL for the acli data from a debug session.
switchvox.debug.pri.startSession Start collecting debug information for a PRI span.
switchvox.debug.pri.stopSession Stop collecting debug information from a PRI span.
switchvox.debug.pri.sessions.getList Get a list of PRI debug sessions.
switchvox.debug.pri.sessions.getInfo Get information about a currently running or finished PRI debug session.
switchvox.debug.pri.sessions.getLog Get a download URL for the PRI data from a debug session.
switchvox.debug.sessions.getTypes Show the different possible debug log types (pri,pcap, acli, etc...)
switchvox.debug.sessions.getList Get a list of all debug log sesions.
switchvox.debug.pcap.startSession Start a packet capture session.
switchvox.debug.pcap.stopSession Stop a packet capture session.
switchvox.debug.pcap.sessions.getList Get a list of packet capture sessions.
switchvox.debug.pcap.sessions.getInfo Get information on a packet capture session.
switchvox.debug.pcap.sessions.getLog Get a url for the zipped pcap file created by a logging session.

Access Control

Name Description
switchvox.accessControl.getList Returns a list of all the access control rules.
switchvox.accessControl.getInfo Returns details about a particular rule.
switchvox.accessControl.add Add a rule to the access control list.
switchvox.accessControl.remove Removes a user created rule.
switchvox.accessControl.update Update a rule on the access control list.
switchvox.accessControl.isAllowed Check if a particular ip address is allowed to access a particular service.
switchvox.blockedIps.getList Get a list of Ips that has been automatically blocked.
switchvox.blockedIps.getInfo Get information about what caused an ip to be blocked.
switchvox.blockedIps.remove Remove an Ip that has been automatically blocked.
switchvox.blockedIps.settings.getInfo Get information on automatic blocking thresholds and when they trigger.
switchvox.blockedIps.settings.update Adjust automatic blocking thresholds.

IVR Global Variables

Name Description
switchvox.ivr.globalVariables.add Add a new Global IVR Variable.
switchvox.ivr.globalVariables.getList Gets all Global IVR variables and their values.
switchvox.ivr.globalVariables.remove Removes a global IVR variable.
switchvox.ivr.globalVariables.update Updates the value of a Global IVR variable.

IVR Distinctive Ring Hints

Name Description
switchvox.ivr.distinctiveRingHints.getList Get all IVR distinctive ring hints.
switchvox.ivr.distinctiveRingHints.add Adds an IVR distinctive ring hint.
switchvox.ivr.distinctiveRingHints.remove Removes an IVR distinctive ring hint.

Digium Addon Product Licenses

Name Description
switchvox.addonLicenses.getList Returns a list of all licensed Digium Addon Products.

Scheduled Reports

Name Description
switchvox.scheduler.add Creates a recurring schedule.
switchvox.scheduler.getInfo Gets information about a previously created schedule.
switchvox.scheduler.update Update a recurring schedule.
switchvox.scheduler.remove Remove a schedule.
switchvox.scheduledReports.callReports.add Creates a scheduled call report using a predefined schedule.
switchvox.scheduledReports.callReports.getInfo Gets information about a previously created scheduled call report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.callReports.getList Get a list of all scheduled call reports on the PBX.
switchvox.scheduledReports.callReports.update Update a scheduled call report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.callReports.remove Remove a scheduled call report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueReports.add Creates a scheduled queue report using a predefined schedule.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueReports.getInfo Gets information about a previously created scheduled queue report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueReports.getList Get a list of all scheduled queue reports on the PBX.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueReports.update Update a scheduled queue report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueReports.remove Remove a scheduled queue report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueMemberReports.add Creates a scheduled queue member report using a predefined schedule.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueMemberReports.getInfo Gets information about a previously created scheduled queue member report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueMemberReports.getList Get a list of all scheduled queue member reports on the PBX.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueMemberReports.update Update a scheduled queue member report.
switchvox.scheduledReports.queueMemberReports.remove Remove a scheduled queue member report.

Call Creation

Name Description Creates a call in the system between two extensions or external numbers.


Name Description
switchvox.localization.getInfo Gets the localization setting for an admin.
switchvox.localization.update Updates the localization setting for an admin.

Distinctive Ringing

Name Description
switchvox.distinctiveRing.tones.add Upload and add a WAV to the admin's (system-wide) ringtone library
switchvox.distinctiveRing.tones.getFile Get the URL of a ringtone from the admin's library
switchvox.distinctiveRing.tones.getList List all available ringtones in the admin's library
switchvox.distinctiveRing.tones.remove Remove a ringtone from the admin's library
switchvox.distinctiveRing.tones.update Update a ringtone already in the admin's library


Name Description
switchvox.images.add Upload an image.
switchvox.images.getFile Gets a list of URLs to where you can download various sizes of the image.
switchvox.images.remove Delete an image and remove any references to it.
switchvox.images.updateCrop Update the cropping of an image.

Parking Lots

Name Description
switchvox.parkingLots.getList Get a list of all currently parked calls

Call Recordings

Name Description
switchvox.callRecordings.settings.getInfo Get settings related to call recordings
switchvox.callRecordings.settings.update Update settings related to call recordings
switchvox.callRecordings.scheduledRecordings.getList Get a list of schedules used to record calls
switchvox.callRecordings.scheduledRecordings.add Add a new schedule to record calls
switchvox.callRecordings.scheduledRecordings.update Update a schedule used to record calls
switchvox.callRecordings.scheduledRecordings.remove Remove a schedule used to record calls
switchvox.callRecordings.recordedCalls.remove Remove a recorded call

Converged Devices

Name Description Find out if a number passed in belongs to a converged device
switchvox.convergedDevices.getList Get a list of all converged devices on the system

Manage Admins

Name Description
switchvox.admins.getList Return a list of all admin accounts in the system.
switchvox.admins.getInfo Retrieve information about an admin account.
switchvox.admins.add Create a new admin account.
switchvox.admins.update Update an admin account.
switchvox.admins.remove Remove an admin account.
switchvox.admins.accessPermissions.getInfo Retrieve the list of access permissions associated with an admin account.
switchvox.admins.accessPermissions.update Update the access permissions associated with an admin account.

Tech Support

Name Description
switchvox.techSupport.connect Connect to Switchvox Tech Support.
switchvox.techSupport.getConnectionStatus Retrieve status information related to whether or not you're currently connected to Switchvox Tech Support.
switchvox.techSupport.disconnect Disconnect from Switchvox Tech Support.


Name Description
switchvox.backups.add Create a system backup
switchvox.backups.apply Restore the system from a backup
switchvox.backups.remove Delete a backup
switchvox.backups.getList Get a list of all the saved backups
switchvox.backups.directories.getList Get a list and info about all the directories available for backing up
switchvox.backups.directories.getInfo Retrieves all information of specific directory, including size

Host Addresses

Name Description Get list of all network to host address mappings Get everything about a specific network to host address mappings Add a new network to host address mapping Update an existing network to host address mapping Delete an existing network to host address mapping


Name Description
switchvox.directories.update Update a directory that exists on your system.
switchvox.directories.getInfo Retrieve the basic info about a system directory
switchvox.directories.getExtensionList Retrieve a listing of all the members contained in a directory

External Contacts

Name Description
switchvox.externalContacts.update Update the external contact sheet with an uploaded file_id
switchvox.externalContacts.getInfo Retrieve the basic info about the external contacts status
switchvox.externalContacts.remove Remove the External Contacts file from the system

User Section

Get My Info

Name Description
switchvox.users.getMyInfo Get information about the extension making the API request. Easy way to get account_id for an extension.
switchvox.users.cookies.getPassword This method fetches the token that can be set in the Cookie header of HTTPS requests for authentication. Cookie authentications is a lighter weight alternative to digest authentication on every request.
switchvox.users.timezone.getInfo Fetches the timezone / current time information for a user.

Call Logs / Reports

Name Description Searches the call logs on the PBX system for a single account.

Call Queues

Name Description
switchvox.users.callQueues.login Log into a call queue
switchvox.users.callQueues.logout Log out of a call queue
switchvox.users.callQueues.pause Pause a call queue
switchvox.users.callQueues.resume Resume a call queue
switchvox.users.callQueues.getTodaysStatus Get info about a call queue
switchvox.users.callQueues.getList Get a list of call queues the user have permissions for

Call Rule Sets

Name Description
switchvox.users.callRuleSets.getList Returns all the call rule sets of a certain type.
switchvox.users.callRuleSets.update Updates the values of a call rule set.
switchvox.users.callRuleSets.remove Removes a call rule set from the pbx.
switchvox.users.callRuleSets.rules.getList Returns all the call rule sets of a certain type.


Name Description
switchvox.users.voicemail.getFolderList Returns all the folders in the users mailbox along with the number of messages in each folder.
switchvox.users.voicemail.getList Returns all the messages in the specified voicemail/fax folder and account.
switchvox.users.voicemail.getFile Returns the link to the voicemail WAV file for the specified message sequence number.
switchvox.users.fax.getFile Returns the link to the fax PDF file for the specified message sequence number.
switchvox.users.voicemail.getQuota Returns the mailbox quota for the specified account.
switchvox.users.voicemail.getUsedSpace Returns the amount of disk space used by the specified account's mailbox.
switchvox.users.voicemail.move Moves one or more voicemail/fax messages from one folder to another.
switchvox.users.voicemail.forward Forwards one or more voicemail/fax messages from one folder to another users INBOX/Fax folder.
switchvox.users.voicemail.remove Removes one or more voicemail/fax messages from a folder based on message sequence number.
switchvox.users.voicemail.markRead Marks one or more voicemail/fax messages as 'read.'
switchvox.users.voicemail.markUnread Marks one or more voicemail/fax messages as 'unread.' Plays a voicemail message to a phone.

Voicemail Greetings

Name Description
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.add Add a new voicemail greeting for an extension.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.getList Gets user recorded voicemail greetings for a given extension.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.getFile Gets link to download a voicemail greeting WAV file.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.update Modifies an existing voicemail greeting.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.remove Delete a user recorded voicemail greeting. If the deleted voicemail greeting happens to be the active greeting of its type, the default greeting for that type will become active.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.getSettings Gets the voicemail greeting settings for a given extension.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetings.updateSettings Modifies the voicemail greeting settings of a given account.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetingTypes.getList Gets a list of all Voicemail Greeting types, along with the greetings for each type and info about which greeting is active for each type.
switchvox.users.voicemailGreetingTypes.activate Activate a voicemail greeting for a voicemail greeting type.


Name Description
switchvox.users.localization.getInfo Gets the localization setting for a user.
switchvox.users.localization.update Updates the localization setting for a user.


Name Description
switchvox.users.phones.getList Gets a list of all phones belonging to the user
switchvox.users.phones.reboot Reboot phones belonging to the user


Name Description
switchvox.users.phonebooks.getList Gets the list of phonebooks for a user.
switchvox.users.phonebooks.getInfo Get the details and entries for a phonebook
switchvox.users.phonebooks.entries.getInfo Get the details of a single phonebook entry
switchvox.users.phonebooks.entries.add Add a new entry into a phonebook.
switchvox.users.phonebooks.desiStrip.getFile Takes a users phonebook and creates a PDF desi strip.

Profile Extra Numbers

Name Description
switchvox.users.profile.extraNumbers.add Adds an extra number to a user's profile. This will also add this extra number for all other users who have this user in their phonebook.
switchvox.users.profile.extraNumbers.getList Gets the list of all extra numbers a user had added to his/her profile.
switchvox.users.profile.extraNumbers.update Updates an extra number to a user's profile. This will also update this extra number for all other users who have this user in their phonebook.
switchvox.users.profile.extraNumbers.remove Removes an extra number from a user's profile. This will also remove this extra number for all other users who have this user in their phonebook.

Profile Images

Name Description
switchvox.users.profile.images.add Upload a new profile image.
switchvox.users.profile.images.attach Attach a profile image to an account.
switchvox.users.profile.images.getFile Retrieve a list of URLs for the different sizes of the image.
switchvox.users.profile.images.remove Delete a profile image and remove references to it.
switchvox.users.profile.images.updateCrop Update the cropping of a profile image..

Idle Screen Images

Name Description
switchvox.users.phones.idleScreenImages.add Upload a new idle screen image.
switchvox.users.phones.idleScreenImages.getFile Get the idle screen image.
switchvox.users.phones.idleScreenImages.remove Remove an existing idle screen image.

Phone Options

Name Description
switchvox.users.phoneOptions.getInfo Gets the phone options for a user.
switchvox.users.phoneOptions.update Updates a users phone options.

User Call Creation

Name Description Creates a call in the system between two extensions or external numbers.

User Current Calls And Recording

System Information

Name Description Fetches the software version from the PBX.

Distinctive Ringing

Name Description
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.getList Get a list of all rules and conditions for a specific account.
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.add Begin adding a distinctive ring rule
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.update Make changes to an existing distinctive ring rule
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.remove Remove an existing distinctive ring rule
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.conditions.add Add a condition to a specific rule.
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.conditions.update Update a condition.
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.conditions.remove Remove a condition.
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.tones.add Upload and add a WAV to user's ringtone library
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.tones.getFile Get the URL of a ringtone from the user's or admin's library
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.tones.getList List all available ringtones in user's and admin's libraries
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.tones.remove Remove a ringtone from user's library
switchvox.users.distinctiveRing.tones.update Update a ringtone already in user's ringtone library

Converged Devices

Extension Groups

Name Description
switchvox.users.extensionGroups.getList Get a list of user viewable extension groups.


Name Description
switchvox.users.presence.getInfo Get presence information for a user.
switchvox.users.presence.update Update a users presence.
switchvox.users.presence.options.add Create a new user presence option (for use in Call Rules)
switchvox.users.presence.options.update Update a user presence option (for use in Call Rules)
switchvox.users.presence.options.remove Remove a user's presence option
switchvox.users.presence.options.getList Get a list of presence options available to a specific user

Parking Lots

Name Description
switchvox.users.parkingLots.getList Get a list of all currently parked calls.


Name Description
switchvox.users.extensions.getInfo Retrieve simple information about extensions.

Device Status

Name Description
switchvox.users.deviceStatus.getInfo Get the device status of a user.